Saturday, November 3, 2018

Starting the day off right!

This morning I woke up exhausted! I gave Reese a ride to class (got me out of bed which was good!) and then realized I had the whole morning ahead of me. With really nothing (besides homework...) pressing to be done.

Okay.. well, I knew that I needed to work out, I just couldn't get myself to do it! I have gotten so lazy this past month or so, mostly just putting it off and saying that surely just riding my bike to school a few times a week is good enough. While it is good, I feel my energy levels tanking... and know how important working out is!

I decided the least I could do was an at-home-workout.
My go to is Popsugar Fitness, so I pulled it up and picked a 30 min workout. (it was a tough one, but definitely fun and unique if you want to give it a shot!)

Now that my muscles were warm, I was actually excited to do my daily stretches! (like I mentioned in this post as part of Blogilates #stretchrevolution)


I missed the first couple days, and since it was a nice Saturday morning, I decided to play catchup! I started off with Day 1 & Day 2, but was loving so much I ended up doing Day 3 (today) as well! (rather than putting it off until tonight before bed)
(click here for Cassey's high-res version)
I know a lot of these poses look difficult, but if you watch her insta videos she will lead you through a series of stretches leading up the final stretch to really open up and stretch your muscles. I found this super helpful!! Especially because I am less flexible than ever!

Week 1 is legs, and my legs and hips have been so tight lately, which I realized is probably what was making my lower back sore as well... stretching this morning definitely helped me open up my hips, and my legs and back feel great now!

So there's my pitch. Seriously, I am so excited about this, and can only imagine how great I will feel by the end of the 28 days! Are you in? 

(check out her website here for more details!)

Friday, November 2, 2018

11.2.18-Weekend charms

Happy Weekend! I am so relieved to have reached another weekend; it was a busy week, and now we are one week closer to Thanksgiving! Yay! 
Here are some my favorites I came across this week: 

///Isn't this post on minimalism beautiful? Lisa Avellan put into words exactly what I have been trying to accomplish in my life these past few months. 

///How do you think seven minutes of stretching everyday might help you? #Stretchrevolution begins November 1st and I am super excited to try it! It's something quick & simple that I can commit to everyday!

///Very cute, simple, fall outfit inspiration!

///The Everygirl posted a link to these boots & my goodness, are they perfect or what? Makes me wish I was in the market for black booties. So dainty and SO perfect! (Also the heel? V cute.) 
Slide View: 1: Seychelles Offstage Chelsea Boots

///These super cute earrings!, PLUS they are on SALE! @Jcrewfactory
women's enamel pansy earrings - women's jewelry

///Have you noticed that Halloween (an American holiday) is spreading around the world? Even in Scandinavia people are getting festive! Talk about cute Halloween party! 

///& also currently loving all things Emily Hein, especially this reminder that it's okay to 'give-up' on a diet if it's not working for you!

What about you? Have you come across anything anything awesome this week? Any fun plans for the weekend? (heart)(heart) 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What gives you energy??

Lately I’ve been focusing especially on maximizing my time and using it meaningfully. The two main things I’ve been focusing on are planning, and getting enough sleep! These two things are SO key for me in getting done what I need to, feeling productive, and feeling happy.

With that being said, this past week I have just NOT gotten adequate sleep! Saturday night we were out at a Halloween party, Sunday night we hosted a mini horchata & pumpkin cookie party, and last night, friends ended up coming over again. (Guess lately we’ve been awfully social!) Well, my 10:30pm bedtime just hasn’t been happening. 

Yesterday I tried to push through the day but was so exhausted the entire day, and today has been even worse. 

My typical go to for energy when I still have things I need to get done are to eat a healthy meal, workout, or in extreme cases take a nap. However... naps usually end up making me feel groggy and I don’t get much done afterward anyway!

Is there a good solution?? 


What is your go-to for quick energy? Working out or taking a nap?


How about things you’ve found that give you energy in your everyday?

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A Blog's Self Discovery

Bringing this blog into full swing is exciting. However, deciding on content, determining the brand, and designing it all is of course, a process.

The internet and social media can be a bit bizarre at times-- whether an overload of over-exaggerated, over-glamorized lives, or quite honestly a fear of the unknown in viewers, or perhaps a vulnerability in sharing your heart in such a public setting.

My favourite blog was one that managed to avoid all of these things. Her personal life remained a bit separated from her creative life online. She seemed to share the best of the web, with only slices of personal opinions. Really, blogging should be about sharing and promoting ideas, promoting creativity, not personal promotion. Aren't we all the same, just boring humans? It's our ideas that make us unique. The ideas are what are worth spreading (...not a TED talk reference).

Here's to the loveliest ideas on the web. Or perhaps to the ideas my own little self is working through, with requests for collaboration. Likely thoughts on meditation and mindfulness, minimalism and a bit of design and fashion, assuredly with lots of recipes.

It's not about creating the same thing that everyone else is already doing. More like discovering where this takes itself along the way, allowing it to create itself.

Google gave me this quote for the day, a good one, right?

I hope you'll stay a while.
& share some ideas while you're here.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Friday, July 6, 2018

Running Late

I have five minutes before I need to leave. Which is how time seems to have gone lately. Because time is constantly running, meaningful lives are created, they don't just happen. I keep expecting it to just happen, for my life to be meaningful. Especially if I include at least some meaningful things within my life... but I'm realizing that some isn't enough. Life needs to be intentional to be meaningful, and rather we live in a world now where everything else tries to dictate the way we will spend our time rather-- devices that ping and tell us where to go next or what to do or what to read or look at... I'm searching for a more meaningful life, through mindfulness and intention and productivity and more love. I don't have a plan but I need one. 

This is a creative outlet. Because the creative pieces of me are all sorts of lost... This is an organizational space: for the ideas and words to sort themselves out. A sort of Accountability: I need to stick to the goals I make. & who knows what else it will become from there. 

Journey with me. A path of self-discovery and renewal. A dive into mindfulness and creativity. Just hoping to create clarity.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

I love Reese, and we have a goood thing going right now. We are learning the ropes, and the up's and down's of life and that is pretty exciting with him by my side.

I never want to forget it. How in love with him I am and how much I want him to be mine forever. So here's to the beginning of forever eh?