Bringing this blog into full swing is exciting. However, deciding on content, determining the brand, and designing it all is of course, a process.
The internet and social media can be a bit bizarre at times-- whether an overload of over-exaggerated, over-glamorized lives, or quite honestly a fear of the unknown in viewers, or perhaps a vulnerability in sharing your heart in such a public setting.
My favourite blog was one that managed to avoid all of these things. Her personal life remained a bit separated from her creative life online. She seemed to share the best of the web, with only slices of personal opinions. Really, blogging should be about sharing and promoting ideas, promoting creativity, not personal promotion. Aren't we all the same, just boring humans? It's our ideas that make us unique. The ideas are what are worth spreading (...not a TED talk reference).
Here's to the loveliest ideas on the web. Or perhaps to the ideas my own little self is working through, with requests for collaboration. Likely thoughts on meditation and mindfulness, minimalism and a bit of design and fashion, assuredly with lots of recipes.
It's not about creating the same thing that everyone else is already doing. More like discovering where this takes itself along the way, allowing it to create itself.
Google gave me this quote for the day, a good one, right?
I hope you'll stay a while.
& share some ideas while you're here.
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