Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What gives you energy??

Lately I’ve been focusing especially on maximizing my time and using it meaningfully. The two main things I’ve been focusing on are planning, and getting enough sleep! These two things are SO key for me in getting done what I need to, feeling productive, and feeling happy.

With that being said, this past week I have just NOT gotten adequate sleep! Saturday night we were out at a Halloween party, Sunday night we hosted a mini horchata & pumpkin cookie party, and last night, friends ended up coming over again. (Guess lately we’ve been awfully social!) Well, my 10:30pm bedtime just hasn’t been happening. 

Yesterday I tried to push through the day but was so exhausted the entire day, and today has been even worse. 

My typical go to for energy when I still have things I need to get done are to eat a healthy meal, workout, or in extreme cases take a nap. However... naps usually end up making me feel groggy and I don’t get much done afterward anyway!

Is there a good solution?? 


What is your go-to for quick energy? Working out or taking a nap?


How about things you’ve found that give you energy in your everyday?